LBF Appoints Leadership Positions

Louisiana Bar Foundation (LBF) President Deidre D. Robert appointed members to chair the LBF committees and subcommittees. Committee and subcommittee chairs and co-chairs include Michael J. Mestayer, chair of the Communications Committee; Zebulon M. Winstead, chair of the Development Committee; G. Adam Cossey, chair of the Annual Fellows Gala Subcommittee; Monica Vela Vick and Maggie […]

Justice Bus is Ready to Roll!

The Louisiana Bar Foundation (LBF) and the Lagniappe Law Lab (LLL) announce that their joint project, the Justice Bus, is ready to roll. The bus was purchased in September 2022, and has been retrofitted to bring civil legal services through virtual self-help tools and physical resources to the public who need them the most. The […]